Case Summary: S v M - Stephanie Robinson, Spencers Solicitors Limited
06/10/22. Case Name: S v M
Accident Date: 30/09/2020
Settlement Date: 28/04/2022
Background and Liability
S, at the age of 39, was involved in a road traffic accident.
S was on her way home from shopping when the vehicle in front of her started to brake sharply. S braked sharply but the vehicle behind her collided with the rear of her vehicle, causing extensive damage.
Liability was admitted.
S immediately developed moderate pain and stiffness to her neck, shoulders and upper back. These resolved 2 weeks from the date of the accident.
S experienced chest pain from the seatbelt, on the day of the accident, which resolved after a couple of hours. She was also shocked and shaken which resolved after 3 days.
S suffered with tinnitus immediately after the accident. This was as a result of the whiplash injuries and resolved after 2 days.
S’s main symptoms were to her lower back where she suffered severe pain and stiffness from the date of the accident. These improved after time but S continued to have intermittent flare ups.
In addition, S experienced a severe fear of travel. The symptoms were worse if she was travelling on her own in a vehicle. These feelings improved with time.
S worked part time and refrained from work for 3 days.
S was restricted when standing for prolonged periods, for example when she was cooking and watching her son play football. Her sleep, lifting, shopping and personal care were restricted for the first 4 weeks. She was also restricted in performing exercise.
S was diagnosed with a whiplash injury to her lower back and was provided with a prognosis period of 24 months from the date of the accident. This period of time was also applicable to her fear of travel.
Physiotherapy treatment was recommended.
S, aged 40 at the time of settlement, was awarded £6675.00.
This was broken down as follows:
General Damages £6000.00
Treatment Costs £675.00
Solicitors for the Claimant
Stephanie Robinson, Spencers Solicitors Limited
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