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March 2020 Contents

Welcome to the March 2020 issue of PI Brief Update Law Journal. Click the relevant links below to read the articles.


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Personal Injury Articles
Personal injury solicitors urged to combat 'desperate' tactics of firms targeting success fee refunds in RTA claims...
Personal injury solicitors are being urged to combat the "desperate" tactics of firms targeting success fee refunds in RTA claims - by a Costs Lawyer specialising in the sector...
Supreme Court refuses MIB permission to appeal in landmark case establishing liability for accidents on private land
On 13.2.20 the Supreme Court (Lord Reed (President), Lady Arden and Lord Hamblen JJSC) refused the MIB's application for permission to appeal against a finding that it was directly liable under EU law for injuries sustained by a pedestrian who was struck by an uninsured vehicle on private land. At the same time, it concluded...
Becoming more virus-resilient: tips on dealing with the COVID-19 coronavirus situation - Professor Hugh Koch
Key risk factors are clearly proximity to infected individuals but our own personal resilience can enhance our protection to becoming unwell... but what does this mean?...
Chaos surrounds launch of the consumer claims portal - Andrew Kay, Director of Operations, FIRST4LAWYERS
Just weeks to go until implementation of the Civil Liability Act (CLA) and the launch of the new consumer claims portal, or is it? For several months now the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has been firm in its stance that the reforms will be implemented on 6 April. However, that stance seemed to be wavering at the recent Association of British Insurers (ABI) conference...
Summary of Recent Cases, March 2020
Here is a summary of the recent notable court cases over the past month...
PI Practitioner, March 2020
Each issue a particular topic is highlighted, citing some of the useful cases and other materials in that area. This month we consider the court's discretion in off setting interim costs orders in the context of Qualified One-way Costs Shifting ('QOCS')...
Medico-Legal Articles, Edited by Dr Hugh Koch
Legal Mind Case and Commentary No 27: PTSD in Road Traffic Accident: A review of key medico-legal issues - Koch HCH, Jansen F, Crowther-Green H & Francis A
This is the twenty-seventh in a series of Case reports and Commentaries from Professor Koch and colleagues...
Clinical Negligence Medicine by Dr Mark Burgin
Covid 19: How Should the Law React? - Dr Mark Burgin
Dr. Mark Burgin BM BCh (oxon) MRCGP discusses reasonable adjustments to legal processes to allow compliance with Government Policy and Health and Safety...
Short Notes on Migrated Contraceptive Devices - Dr Mark Burgin
Dr. Mark Burgin BM BCh (oxon) MRCGP considers the elements that should be included in a primer for clinical negligence cases involving migrated contraceptive devices...
Book Reviews
Book Reviews: Assessing and Treating Post Traumatic Stress - Professor Hugh Koch
Two publications are 'hot off the press' which bring lawyers and clinicians up to date with the latest guidance and research in how to formulate/assess a case of PTSD and how, then, to treat this using a cognitive behavioural approach. A timely duo for a review publication in PIBULJ to accompany another article outlining evidential issues in a recent case of trauma...

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The opinions expressed in the articles are the authors' own, not those of Law Brief Publishing Ltd, and are not necessarily commensurate with general legal or medico-legal expert consensus of opinion and/or literature. Any medical content is not exhaustive but at a level for the non-medical reader to understand. 

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