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May 2020 Contents

Welcome to the May 2020 issue of PI Brief Update Law Journal. Click the relevant links below to read the articles.


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Personal Injury Articles
Tort of deceit and recovering exemplary damages - Morgan Davies, Horwich Farrelly
Morgan Davies, Fraud Partner at Horwich Farrelly, looks at the case of Advantage Insurance Company Ltd v Junior Elliot, an examples of successfully defending a claim for the tort of deceit and recovering exemplary damages...
Electronic signatures and the importance of knowing your expert - Simon Ross, Exchange Chambers
On 3rd March 2020, Robert Buckland, the incumbent Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, confirmed that electronic signatures are permissible and legally valid if used in commercial and consumer documents. This declaration followed a Law Commission report, published in September last year, that looked at the electronic execution of documents, including deeds...
The effect COVID-19 is having on UK media trends and attracting claims - Andy Cullwick, First4Lawyers
You won’t be surprised to hear that media consumption has changed in light of the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, we’re all having to respond and focusing our operations and marketing efforts where they are best placed...
Summary of Recent Cases, May 2020
Here is a summary of the recent notable court cases over the past month...
PI Practitioner, May 2020
Each issue a particular topic is highlighted, citing some of the useful cases and other materials in that area. This month: Bonsor v Bio Collectors Ltd [2020] EWHC 918 (QB)...
Medico-Legal Articles, Edited by Dr Hugh Koch
Legal Mind Case and Commentary No 29: Risks of Unbalanced and Misleading Expert Evidence - Koch HCH, Medley A and Pelser C, May 2020
This is the twenty-ninth in a series of Case reports and Commentaries from Professor Koch and colleagues...
Clinical Negligence Medicine by Dr Mark Burgin
You are breathing my air; New insights on respiratory pathogens - Dr Mark Burgin
Dr. Mark Burgin BM BCh (oxon) MRCGP discusses whether continuing to tolerate high levels of deaths from respiratory infections will be acceptable in a post COVID world...
Legal Implications of Palliative Care Decisions in Covid-19 - Dr Mark Burgin
Dr. Mark Burgin BM BCh (oxon) MRCGP raises concerns about the approaches taken by health care systems in dealing with those too frail to benefit from admission...
Losing the Battle against Burnout - Dr Mark Burgin
Dr. Mark Burgin BM BCh (oxon) MRCGP explains how an understanding of the mechanism of burnout can help personal injury and employment law solicitors...

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The opinions expressed in the articles are the authors' own, not those of Law Brief Publishing Ltd, and are not necessarily commensurate with general legal or medico-legal expert consensus of opinion and/or literature. Any medical content is not exhaustive but at a level for the non-medical reader to understand. 

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