British Victims of Terrorism Abroad: a Fair Regime Introduced - Jill Greenfield, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
16/03/13. In 2005, a string of terrorist atrocities against British Citizens highlighted a key issue in respect of financial support available for British Citizens when injured.
The London bombings 7/7/2005 were the start of a summer of terrorist activity against British Nationals. With many injured and unable to work claims to the Criminal Injuries Compensations scheme (CICS) were made. Whilst this CICS was itself criticised, those victims were able to access at least some financial support. However, there were other victims of bombings abroad that occurred later on that year, Sharm-el-Sheikh, 23 July 2005 and Turkey, Kusadasi, 16 July 2005. Very many British Citizens were both injured and killed and yet no financial support was made available for them. The injuries included amputations, burns, damage to eyes and head injuries. The total devastation and trauma that all those involved suffered was and is difficult to imagine; this was then compounded by the financial consequences,
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