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PI Industry News
Solicitor involved in false PI claim loses strike-off appeal...
Supreme Court rules personal injury clients must agree to deductions...
Creditors owed £2.5m by closing PI firm set to get nothing...
Lawyers braced for personal injury discount rate change...
'Lose-lose situation' as RTA personal injury claims plunge...
Man with learning disabilities settles claim against Cygnet Healthcare...
Surge in NHS clinical negligence claims raises concerns over quality of care, report finds...
Vaginal mesh victims should not be 'forced down adversarial route'...
Personal injury discount rate expert panel appointed...
Insurers hail ruling that credit hire company was the 'real instigator' of claim...
Credit Hire Articles
We have now published more than 50 specialist credit hire articles. A selection are shown below, or see the complete list here. Subscribers can also access, for free, the latest edition of Kevan & Ellis on Credit Hire.
28/09/23. Mr Justice Martin Spencer gave judgment in an appeal by the Claimant against the dismissal of the claim for credit hire charges on the basis that a lack of an MOT certi...
29/05/23. Mr Shazad staged a car accident on 25th November 2015. The other driver said at the beginning ‘ I thought the accident was suspicious straight away’ . A court claim ...
30/11/18. As long ago as 2004, in the course of carving out the impecuniosity exception in Lagden v O’Connor, Lord Nicholls expressed the hope that the parties “should be able t...
30/07/18. In Credit hire arguments go in circles, at least that is the experience of the writer (who has now been engaged in conducting credit hire claims for nearly 15 years), w...
11/09/14. In Dimond v Lovell the House of Lords made it all seem so simple. In a case where the claimant sought hire charges in the princely sum of £346.63, it was held that ...
10/04/14. Disputes relating to disclosure remain an enduring feature of credit hire litigation and, largely to the understandable annoyance of the judiciary, are the source of mu...
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